Category: Sump Pump

Is Submersible Sump Pump Different from Manual Sump Pump?

Many are still confused about picking up the right type of sump pump. There are some that work with the ground water and are placed under water whereas there are others that are fixed above the water level. Almost all sump pumps work by flowing down the

water down the bore well or extract the water down the well.

Submersible sump pumps are pricier than pedestal sump pumps. If you have to differentiate between submersible sump pump and manual sump pump the process of selection will be really simple to explain and decide. Take a read in this article and you will find it all.

How Submersible Sump Pump Different from Manual Sump Pump?

As mentioned earlier, submersible (also known as immersible) sump pump is placed under water along with its electric mo

tor. On the other side, manual sump pump (also known as pedestal pump) works with its electric motor above the water.

Whatever you choose, the purpose of installing is the same; it raises fluid to an upper level avoiding the risks of cavitation. Cavitation is caused by putting different pressures.

How single stage pumps work?

If you have to consider single stage pumps, these are applicable and in use only for drainage, sewage, and general industrial purposes.  They have gained more prominence by those who own aquarium filters for their fish tanks.

How multiple stage pumps work?

Multiple stage pumps are fixed down a borehole or well to extract excess water from the ground.

A pedestal pump is fixed where you wish to remove excess water that is accumulated in some place. A hole is made to collect water and sent through the drainage area. The electric motor is fixed above the liquid.

Setup methods?

Sump Pump:

Sump pump type that is submersible is above the basin and fixed at a distance safer from your home. These pumps come in either automatic or manual.

Float Switch:

This type of method is also adopted by many houses. As the name depicts, the automatic best sump pump has a float switch that turns the pump on as soon as the water level rises beyond the pit.

Check valve method:

Check valve is usually installed at a larger distance (few feet to be specific) above the main lid. It is to ensure that the pipe flows out the water in one director rather throwing back into it.


Piping setup may vary as per the size and type of sump pump. Ideally, the pipe’s size should be 1’’ – 2’’ in diameter. The quality must be in PVC if you are looking for long lasting results. The plumping codes are something that you need to pay extra care.

Besides the above information, you must check our page for more details related to sump pump reviews and methods. Check out the videos on different types of fixing methods for these pumps. You will get a great idea on how to install these. Before you buy, do take a look at the ratings and reviews to check the experience of other customers who are already using these.